The story is about a teenaged named Arnold "Junior" Spirit. Junior lives on the Spokane Indian Reservation, where he discovers that alcohol is more important to most people than an education is. So Junior decides to transfer from his reservation school to Reardan High, a white school that is more than twenty miles away. Once Junior arrives he notices that he is the only Indian in that school. His best friend Rowdy will never speak to Junior again because he is a traitor. Most of the students there treat Junior treat him like an outcast. Junior must fight to improve his social standing both on and off the reservation. He surprises himself when, as a freshman, he makes the varsity team and eventually even becomes a starting player.
I can relate to Junior because in my old school in elementary i remember I went to a school were there mostly was all white people. At that time I couldn't speak english that good. I didn't want to talk to anybody because I was afraid that the kids will laugh at me. I kept practicing and trying to learn as much as I can. I started to talk to more kids and they didn't laugh at me. My english was getting better. In the story it says that Junior felt lonely cause he was the only Indian. This shows that Junior wanted to work on his social skills so the kids would talk to him and not be an not feel like he was invincible.
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